Momentum: How To Change Your Life Completely

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Momentum builds up energy accumulated
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You are looking for a change.
You want something different in your life.
You want to change your life for the better.
You’re wondering what’s the best way to do that, since you’ve tried to change in the past before, without success.

Is it the most challenging time in your life?
Or is it the best time that you’ve ever had?

Is it your:

  1. Finance
  2. Time
  3. Relationships & Love Life
  4. Fulfillment
  5. Physical Body
  6. Fun
  7. Well Being
  8. SpiritualityThat you’d like to get more of?

You might be asking yourself, ‘I’ve tried so many times, how can I know that this time will be any different?’
‘I know what I want but every time I try it never works out!’
Let me ask you this: Have you tried achieving your great goal and ran out of motivation in the middle?

Well most people don’t understand that, but it’s not the
big goals that count: It’s actually the small ones.

Einstein’s 8th wonder of the world

The most important principle for creating the life that
you want to live, for launching your new reality, is Momentum.
When you know where you want to go, even if you don’t
know how yet, if you have momentum, that’s all you need.

And it’s also true if you don’t
know where you want to go yet!
Momentum will help you figure
it out as well. We’ll explain.

What is momentum?
In physics, momentum is the product of an
object’s mass and velocity product. A vector,
quantity possessing a magnitude and a direction.

In your life, it means continuous progress.
Good and bad days will come, but you will always progress.
The secret of momentum is that even
tiny actions generate huge outcomes.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.”
 ~ Elbert Einstein ~

What Einstein means is that over time even the tiniest
changes yield massive and epic results. As long as they are continuous, tiny changes will get you huge results. They will get you everything you want.
You don’t have to do anything big or extraordinary to
become extraordinary. This fact is so powerful.
And here lies the importance of momentum.

When you are doing something new, it takes effort.
Whether it’s big or tiny, you need to make yourself do it.
The fact that it’s something that you haven’t done before
takes discipline and dedication, it takes will.

If you start putting a lot of pressure on yourself right in
the beginning, it’ll be very hard for you to keep up that way.
After a while, motivation wanes. 100% of the time.
Well, momentum stays.

Momentum is the power that shapes your habits.

It’s not that motivation, persistence, and hard work are not
an essential part of it, but momentum is 100x stronger.
It’s not that motivation, persistence, and hard work are not
not important, but your habits are 100x stronger.

As long as you keep making small steps you’ll reap
tremendous rewards. Again, tiny is all you need.

What’s tiny?

Stretching your body for 20 seconds counts?
Saying something nice to yourself 3 times a day counts?
Listening to a song that energizes you 2 times a day?
Visualizing something that makes you feel good?

After repeating these actions for a week, a month, a year,
you’ll see soon enough that it’s easy and you want more.
In fact, if every day you improve by 1% only, within
70 days you will double your initial ability!

How crazy is that? Double in 70 days!
If you only put 1% every day!
It’s just plain simple math! No wonder
Einstein called it the 8th wonder!

You’ll see that despite the fact that a 20 seconds stretch
is easy, it feels really good, so you want to do more of it.
And, most importantly, you’ll have more good feeling in your
life, and you’ll see that suddenly everything becomes easier.

When you feel good in your life you have more energy,
your goals are closer, and your challenges shrink.
You will make mistakes and even crash from time
to time, but don’t worry, you are still winning.

“I am a series of small victories and large
defeats and I am as amazed as any other
that I have gotten from there to here.”
~ Charles Bukowski ~

And you’ll see that every small step that makes you feel
good will get bigger and bigger, without even noticing.
It will be so fun for you to get more of the good, that it
will naturally make you lean more and more towards it.

Gaining tiny victories will open your eyes for more and
more exciting possibilities and opportunities around you.
Listening to a song, waking up 10 minutes earlier, or
anything else, every tiny victory makes you stronger.

1. Small Steps, Simple Steps

Most people underestimate the impact of small changes.
We talked about it, but you must get that it’s a crucial point.
Most people fail to change because they think that they
have to be a really special person to make a big change.

They think that they are not one of these special people.
Some just make excuses, but some actually believe in it.
They lose connection with their goals and dreams (and
themselves) because “I’m not strong enough to do it”.

“It’s a really long way”
“It’s so much work”
“I don’t have the money”
“I don’t have time for that”
“I can never do it.”

Are you strong enough to stretch for 10 seconds?
Is it so much work to say something nice to yourself?
Do you have money for listening to your favorite song?
Do you have time for waking up 10 minutes earlier?
Can you visualize something that makes you feel good?

Some of you may think “come on, how does stretching
in the morning help me? It’s nice and all but come on”.
Remember what Einstein said?

Do the 1st step.
It doesn’t matter if it’s tiny or if it’s ridiculously easy.

Kill Bill Uma Thurman feet
“Wiggle your little toe”
~ Beatrix Kiddo, ‘Kill Bill’ ~

Take 5 minutes NOW and write down:
3 small daily things that make you feel good.
3 small daily things that don’t make you feel good.

Don’t worry, we’re waiting.
Take your time.
Come on, keep writing.
Just keep writing.
Great, you have them? Congratulations!

Your 1st step for building massive momentum!
Soon enough you’ll have a basic map of what you
want to have more of, and what you want to minimize.
A map of the things you want to remove from your life,
and of what you want to become a habit, a way of life.

This map will eventually get you to where you want
to be, get you to where you belong.
Also, remember I said that even if you don’t know where
you want to go yet, momentum will help you get there?

The beauty is that even if you’re not sure where exactly
you need to go to, you are still being built by momentum.
That way, when you’ll know for sure what you want to
do, you’ll have a lot more faith and energy to get there.

By accumulating momentum, you are shortening the
distance between you and where you want to be.
Even if it’s not 100% correlated with your destination
yet, you are still much closer to it than before.

2. Big Planning and Micro Strategy

Strategy board game pins plan

This is the phase where 95% of people fail.
It sounds kind of weird right?
‘Fail to plan, you are planning to fail’ and all of that.
2 aspects of planning and strategy make people fail:

It’s not that planning and strategy are not important, but it’s
just that taking the 1st step is so much more significant.
Most people fail to change because they overthink about
what’s the best way to do X instead of doing the 1st step.

Taking this 1st step is much harder, critical, and
valuable, then coming up with the most perfect plan.

The knowledge you need to start and build your momentum
is very, very, small. The actions you take create the change.
If you’re overweight, you know exactly what you should and
shouldn’t do. You don’t need the ultimate trainer for that.

You don’t need the best trainer in the world to start, you
don’t need to research for weeks to start exercising.
Finding a few simple things that make you feel good only
takes a brief look into yourself, a brief introspection.

You don’t have to come up with the perfect plan for
getting started, just dedicate 10 minutes to yourself.

Too Big Too Fast

Despaired man frustrated

If you haven’t run for over a year, going out for a
15 miles run is not the smartest thing you can do.
The 2nd type of planning and strategy failures is jumping
in with full power, then running out of motivation.

These people are not afraid of taking the 1st step, but
they overestimate their motivation and will power.
They start out with extreme enthusiasm and putting in
everything they got, but very quickly they burn out.

That’s not how you win the game.
Excitement, exhilaration, and big dreams are essential,
but slow-yet-steady momentum is the way to fulfill them.

3. Route Composition

Big busy highway intersection

“We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
~ Will Durant ~

Think of your brain as a system of interchanges.
All of your actions are based on these roads.
When taking a road, you behave according to it. Some
roads you don’t even pick, you’re on autopilot mode.

Your energy and attention are
what’s passing on these routes.
When driving through a road it
gets bigger and more accessible.

The roads you take often, are becoming your default.
Soon enough, your energy and attention are on autopilot.

It’s important to understand that by taking new actions
continuously, you’re making them become the default.
Understand that every time you ‘punch the clock’
is getting you closer to making it a habit.

Every time you make an effort, it’s one step closer to
make it easy, rather than an action you need to take.
Take the roads that make you feel better more often,
and your energy and attention will go there as well.

Imagine how amazing it would be to have such a
good feeling as your default, as your autopilot!

4. The Environment Effect

Charismatic person in front of teammates

After you’re getting the small easy actions done, soon
enough you discover that you have a lot more energy.
When you have more good feeling in your life, you are
nicer, you have more patience, you’re light and fun.

You are more emphatic and patient to people around you,
and without noticing you start to give and get more.
And unlike before, you find yourself a lot less in need
for social affirmations, knowing that you are good enough.

Because you feel good about yourself you don’t need to
force yourself to behave in a way that is not who you are.
And surprisingly, the people around you start to
appreciate you more because of these changes!

Since you are more fun to be with, and more vivid, you
become way more attractive, romantically and platonically.
And this of course…boosts up your momentum!

Once the wheel has started turning, you’ll never
look the same in the eyes of everyone around you.

5. Retrospect & Keep Track

Introspection writing notebook

At the end of every day look back at what you did
today, and plan what you are going to do tomorrow.
Think about how you can do 1% better tomorrow, and
what went well for you today. Count the victories!

I highly recommend you to write everything down, this way
you’ll be able to see your all-time victories and progress.
For me it is one of the most fun things to do, to see on a
daily basis what huge progress and change I’ve achieved.

After looking at your progress, suddenly you will think that
maybe, you’re one of these special people that can change!
This track record of progress will generate a more
profound change, of your inner beliefs about yourself.

6. Launch Your New Life (Summary)

Challenger space shuttle launching your new life

Today, you learned that time turns small increments into a
huge mass. Small victories add up to epic results.
That as long as they are continuous, tiny changes will get
you huge results. They will get you everything you want.

That the knowledge base you need is very, very, small and
simple, it’s the actions you take that make the difference.
Chasing your dreams and goals with blasting motivation is
always exciting, but small actions are what wins the game.

Making your new actions your default route will set your
energy and attention on a good feeling autopilot.
Soon enough you’ll see that the people around you want
to give you more, and are attracted to you.

Keeping track of your progress will focus you, help you
retain your inner connection to your goals, and initiate a
deep change in the way you see yourself and your abilities.
The beauty of it is that doing these small actions is easy!

For building your life-changing momentum you don’t
have to conquer the world, just little steps every time.
Take the 1st step, no matter how small it is, and continue.
Momentum will do the rest of the work.