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Mystic lucid dreaming music shines upon a beautiful iceberg

Top 10 Best Lucid Dreaming Music

If you’re interested in lucid dreaming or practicing lucid dreaming it may surprise you, but listening to music while doing so can be very helpful. So we’ve gathered here a list of 10 tunes of the best music for lucid dreaming, enjoy!

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2 aspects of the same leader demonstrate the differences between leadership styles

Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Styles

Charismatic and Transformational leadership styles: Which one’s better? Effective leadership is the backbone of a successful organization, and in the following article you’ll learn what are the pro’s and con’s of each leadership style.

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Buddhist monk admiring a painting in a modern art museum

What Is Sacred To You?

To many, the word “sacred” holds immense religious significance – which is just one way to interpret it. To some, it may refer to something as trivial as a lucky charm bracelet. But what is sacred to you?

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Team members getting orders from their boss

Formal vs Informal Leadership: What’s Better?

Quality leadership is essential in all organizations. Though there are many ways to harness your people to your goals, perhaps the most common 2 are the formal and informal leadership styles. Learn more to find out which is better for your organization.

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A mask lying on the floor representing the liberation from the false conceptualized self and exposing one's true nature

What Is The Conceptualized Self?

What is exactly the conceptualized self? Are the identities that we are taking upon ourselves really who we are? Are we indeed ‘depressed’ or ‘happy’, ‘Italian’, or a ‘mother’?
Is that our true self?

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Dedicated monk practicing meditation and self mastery

Best Self Mastery Secrets

What is this self-mastery that people talk about all the time? Self-mastery is a state of mind through which you find the ability and capacity to recognize your emotions in a rational manner, understand why you are feeling the way you do, and control those emotions. Learn more how to better master yourself and your life.

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