50 Best Magic Quotes

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Ever imagined how dull life would be if there is nothing magical about it? If we look deeply, every aspect of life has something magical about it! A simple magical conviction would make you feel that you have a much greater purpose in life. Magic quotes and quotes about magic can help us remind ourselves about the wonderful presence of magic in our life.

It can also make you feel united with the universe which can guide us through life and give us the motivation and determination that we have been looking for. Also, belief in magical thinking is fairly advantageous to us. For instance, it will give your mind the power to control things that otherwise you had given up. This positive thinking will inspire you and bring you all the love and wealth that you deserve.

Life is much beautiful and enchanting than we make it out normally. Magic adds a tint of creativity to it. So, no matter how difficult life gets, we should never stop believing in magic. It will help you stay sane when life would drive you crazy.

These quotes on magic will make you realize how beautiful and magical life could get just by believing in the existence of magic.

1. “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl

The most beautiful things can be found in the most unexpected places. After all, magic is the unexpected, the extraordinary, and the unknown that will always amaze us.

Finding magic in life is all about noticing the little things and appreciating everything there is. The universe has a lot to teach us and you can only learn if you are willing to look beyond the ordinary.

This doesn’t mean to find something new but to look at what is already there with a fresh pair of eyes and find the magic in the ordinary things. There is magic all around us, it just takes the right perception and eyes to see the beauty and magic that exists.

You have to believe you will find magic. After all, what you believe, becomes. If you believe there is magic in the world then you will find it everywhere. It is all about having faith.

2. “Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.” – Roy T. Bennett

We often forget that we are not here to live our numbered days doing things that don’t serve us. Many of us are stuck in jobs we don’t want to do or we are simply not following our passions.

This makes us feel empty and life feels meaningless. However, it is all about having the right perception of things. The kind of perception that will provide you the drive to do better and do what you love.

After all, life is too short to do things half-heartedly. This is why even if it doesn’t seem like it, you should always have the belief that your life is full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.

Once you start believing this your life will automatically provide you all these things. You will feel alive and you will be following your passions. Once you have faith your life will be the most magical it has ever been.

Wizards performing magic for a spell book

3. “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B Yeats

Did you know that we can with time make our senses sharper? Yes. This can happen and this only happens when the mind has awareness. Where does this awareness come from? Through meditation.

Once you start meditating, you will automatically become mindful of everything about you. Your perception about many things will change and you will notice how you have completely rewired your brain to lead a positive life.

Once your senses are sharpened (awareness) you will realize that there is magic in everything. There is magic in the way the birds fly, the people you see on the streets, the colors of the sky, and much more.

You will have a renewed zest for life as you will notice this magic and wonder why you didn’t see all this before. You know why? Because your perception wasn’t right.

Once you rewire this perception, everything around you will keep you amazed.

4. “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” – J.K Rowling

Many people believe that magic is external. It is weird spells and words that people use to do something out of the ordinary. Well, that is not true. We hold the key to everything inside us already, including magic.

Our inner world is the most powerful tool of magic because we can create and shape our reality any way we want to. Whatever we can imagine, we can create.

If you can imagine magic you can create magic. All it takes is thought and action. The mind is the most powerful tool and if you start believing in magic you will start creating it. You will start seeing this magic everywhere.

This is because our minds project our thoughts every day. This is why you don’t need spells to create any sort of magic. All you need is the power within you and some faith to see and make this magic yourself.

5. “The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.” – Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury has always written stories that are set in a dystopian world in the future where technology has taken over everything. If anything, his books are magic.

This is what is reflected in this saying too. Books are magic too. How the storyteller weaves his magic through his words and encapsulates the reader in such a trance that when he/she is reading the book they are transported to a completely different world.

That is the magic of books and the magic of writers. They take patches of the universe and stitch them together to provide us with a book that transports us elsewhere.

When we are reading a book, there is no concept of time. Time stops and all that exists is our imagination. That ability to imagine is our magic. The ability of a writer to transport its readers elsewhere is magic. It is all about noticing this magic.

Girl casting magic stars

6. “Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars?” – Nora Roberts

The entire planet that we live on is a ball of magic. After all, if there was no magic how could there be so many beautiful things around us? Surely, it is the beautiful work of a magician that is unknown to us.

Who dares to not believe that there is magic in this world when there is proof of magic everywhere? Beautiful skies, gorgeous landscapes, rainbows, the music of the wind, the power of the sea, the silence of the stars, and so much more.
A magic that is beyond our temporary thoughts that are not who we are, that echoes our eternal being.

It is as if someone took all the magic and weaved it together to create the biggest magic of all: our universe. It is such an inherent part of our lives, yet many of us fail to see it because we take this magic for granted.

When we stop doing that, we will automatically see everything beautiful around us is magic, even the most mundane things.

7. “Children see magic because they look for it.” – Christopher Moore

If there is someone that sees the magic in everything then those are kids. This is because they are the most connected to everything around them and everything to them is wonder and amazement.

They are new to the world and their fresh pair of eyes hasn’t gotten used to anything. Neither do they take things for granted. In fact, they see everything around them and see magic.

Even in the most mundane things they see it because they are constantly looking for magic. They believe in magic and this is why they keep finding it everywhere even if you don’t see it.

As we grow older, we cease to find things amazing or find wonder in them. However, as kids everything is new and everything is magical and that is what makes life worth living.

This is why children are always in wonder and amazed, they find beauty and magic in everything around them.

8. “I do believe in an everyday sort of magic — the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.” ― Charles de Lint

We have forgotten the interconnectedness of things because we are always trying to stay connected through social media. However, we are all made from the same fabric and every single one of us is connected.

From the stars to the mountains, to the sea, to the rainforest, and everything in nature including animals. We are all connected, even if we don’t see it.

Many of us feel this sense of connectedness with people, places, art, and many other things. This is because even though we may feel alone, we are not. We are all in this together and all of us are woven from the same fabric.

However, we have forgotten it because we see nature as something that is separate from us but it is not. Nature is us and we are nature and we are all one. That is the magic of the universe, even if we don’t understand it.

9. “Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one. But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.” – Terry Pratchett

Scientists see logic and reason. This is why they are not aware of the magic that exists within the universe. This is because everything is quantified so it can be understood when the greatest secret of all is that nothing can be completely understood.

We can try to understand the universe but we will never even come close to understand it fully. We shouldn’t try to either. We should just see the magic and beauty in everything and be amazed by it instead of questioning it all the time.

This is why magicians see absurdities happening all the time. This is because they don’t try to quantify or understand how everything works. All they do is believe in magic and the universe shows it to them.

Even where scientists think something doesn’t have a chance, magicians see those changes all the time. That is the beauty of believing.

Girl looking through magic stars

10. “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson

Even music is magic. After all, if it wasn’t magic then it wouldn’t have the ability to transport us into a completely different dimension when we are listening to it.

Music is the magic of sound. The magic of notes, melodies, and compositions that hits our ears and takes us somewhere else. When we listen to music time stops and all that exists at that moment is the beautiful sound that we keep listening to.

Music has the power to make us feel things without doing anything. It has the power to take us somewhere else and help us feel deeply. It incites the emotions and feelings that excite us.

If that isn’t magic then what is? Magic is extraordinary in the ordinary and so is music. It is just a composition of sounds and notes but when it hits our ears it has the ability to move us. That is the strongest magic of all.

11. “Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You are magic too. You are made of atoms, stardust, and galaxies. If you think you are not magic then you are wrong. Isn’t it magical to have eyes that can see beautiful things? Isn’t it magical to listen to the beautiful melodies that exist?

We are magical beings and we have forgotten that. This is why people can’t seem to create their reality. This is because they have forgotten that they can do anything.

Remember that you hold the power to your life. You can make anything happen as long as you believe in it. If you believe in yourself and your dreams then you can make them happen in no time. All it takes is faith and the courage to follow that faith.

Believing in yourself is also a form of magic because once you start doing it everything else falls into place automatically. Believe in your magic.

12. “Magic can be found in stolen moments.” ― Francesca Lia Block

Do you know what the greatest thing about magic is? It can be found anywhere. All it takes is someone willing to look. Magic can even be found in stolen moments.

The moments you think you will not get again. These are the most precious moments and have the most magic hidden within them. All it takes is for you to understand this and look beyond the moment; look at the hidden magic.

These are the moments that will pass soon but stay imprinted in our memories forever. These are moments you will remember your entire life because even though you may not realize they will be the most magical moments of your life.

The moments that were raw and truthful. The next time you are experiencing these moments understand how magical they are and you will feel the magic yourself. This is when you will finally understand the true meaning of magic.

Magical sunlight through the trees

13. “Magic is just science that we don’t understand yet” – Arthur C. Clarke

The amazing thing about this universe is that we can spend all our lives trying to understand it but it will keep on surprising us. This is because it is vast and there are so many unknowns that we will never discover it in our limited time here.

This is why magic is something we will never be able to fully grasp or understand. This is because it goes beyond the ordinary. It goes beyond what our minds can comprehend and understand with the limited knowledge we have been given.

That is why it is called magic. It is beyond our capabilities to understand. This is why it is said that it is science we don’t understand yet. Surely, there must be a reason behind magic but that reason right now is far beyond our comprehension.

It is simply a phenomenon that we will never fully grasp no matter how hard we try. All you can do is appreciate the magic.

14. “That’s the thing about magic; you’ve got to know it’s still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.” ― Charles de Lint

The belief in magic is what will cause you to see the magic in the first place. If you don’t believe in something it will never exist for you. This is why people who don’t believe in themselves never reach their potential or see success.

Belief is the foundation of your reality. If you believe in something strongly you will start seeing it everywhere. The same way if you start believing in magic you will see it all around you.

This is why most people don’t see magic; it is simply because they don’t believe in it. For them, everything is what is visible to the eye and already there. They don’t look at what is there with beauty and depth the way people who believe in magic do.

All it takes is faith. If you strongly and firmly believe in something, it will become real. Believe in magic and see the magic your life becomes.

15. “Magic will find those with pure hearts, even when all seems lost.” – Morgan Rhodes

If you are in a time in your life where you feel lost and everything seems like the end of the world then remember there is always hope. In fact, you might even find that some unexpected magic may come your way during your darkest times.

This will take you out of your misery and you will be able to see the beauty in the world again. It is during our darkest time that we can see the light and if you feel like magic doesn’t exist then you are wrong.

If you have good intentions and a pure heart then magic will automatically find you. The magic of seeing life through the lens of beauty will allow you to get out of your misery and finally see that everything around you is magic.

This is why you should not lose hope and have faith in magic because it will find you no matter where you are as long as you have a pure heart.

Magical red sunset skies in the sea

16. “Magic comes from what is inside you. It is a part of you. You can’t weave together a spell you don’t believe in.” – Jim Butcher

The words we choose to say out loud are also magic. This is why you should not speak negative things. The more negative words you say, the more negative your life will become.

This is because words have the power to shape our reality as well. One should always speak positively to lead a more positive life. This is why you should not say things you don’t believe in.

What we believe in comes true through the power of magic. If you believe in magic and you talk about it then you will see magic everywhere around you.

Think of your words as magic spells. After all, you are the creator of your own reality. Use your words to establish a reality you want to live in. Choose your words wisely and only speak what you wish would come into existence.

Once you do this, see how your life changes and how words are the best form of magic there is.

17. “Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if
he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast.” – Hermann Hesse

Do you think only magicians can perform magic? There is no such thing because we all have the same capabilities. It is all about tapping into that potential and using it in the best way possible. That is what magicians do, they tap into that highest potential.

How do you do that? By letting your mind become still, by becoming patient, by letting things take their own course just like the river has its own course, and by fasting to eliminate any toxin and negativity inside the body.

All these small habits will help you achieve your goals in life and will help you become what you want to become. When you finally understand the power you hold to create your own reality that is when you fully start understanding what actual magic is. After all, if you can’t even use the magic within you to create a life you love then what good is it?

18. “Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.” – Michael Scott

With time we may have advanced in technology, but nothing is stronger than the human senses. If you want to experience magic then you need to use your complete senses. This means that you need to utilize the full potential of your senses.

Our hearing has gone down because we are used to listening to loud noises, our taste buds have adapted to the junk food lifestyle which has weakened our sense of taste, many people need glasses as their vision has become poor, and our sense of smell is also low.

Why is all this happening? Because we have gotten lazy and we want convenience. We don’t want to do the work it takes to reach out highest potential.

However, without this work, you won’t experience magic in life and a life without magic is one that is not lived fully. So do the work and heighten your senses and awareness and witness the magic all around us that you could not sense before.

19. “Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated … Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible.” – Paulo Coelho

Magic is invisible to the naked eye. This is because our limited senses can’t perceive what actually lies. We can only see a limited amount of the universe because our senses are made that way.

Although magic is what lies beyond this. It is the bridge that takes you from the visible to the invisible as only when you experience the magic you experience the unknown and the extraordinary.

Magic is a guide taking you from the ordinary world to something you would never experience if you don’t take the first step. Believe in magic and believing in finding it in this world.

Once you do, you will automatically create a bridge between the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen, the ordinary, and the magic. Isn’t that what life is all about? Exploring and discovering the unknown. So, never limit yourself and always try to connect yourself with the unknown.

Magical spell book

20. “Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waters. It requires a disruption, something new.” – Leigh Bardugo

The magic that you see normally such as the tricks being performed by a magician is easy. It doesn’t take courage, wisdom, or anything else. It is easy and that is why so many people think this kind of magic is pretty.

However, transcending the ordinary and diving into the extraordinary is great magic. This is because this requires bravery, wisdom, the ability to take risks, and it requires you to be patient.

Such magic creates something new in its wake. It disrupts everything and creates a beautiful new. That is hat great magic. This is the kind of magic only the strongest minds dare to take because it is not pretty.

It destroys everything at first and then builds something beautiful. That is what great magic is and something not many want to do. Only the resilient survive, the rest give up halfway and settle for pretty magic.

21. “It’s all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.” – Charles de Lint

The power of the present moment is the strongest force there is yet many of us take it for granted. If you want to experience magic in your life then what you need to do is shut the chatter in your mind and pay close to attention to everything.

You need to be able to create awareness so you can notice these little details that make the magic of the universe. This also means that you should not expect something from the universe because it doesn’t owe you anything in the first place.

You just need to be still and create awareness so you can notice the magic that lies in the beauty of being generous and kind and so you can notice the magic in the smallest of whispers.

Without paying attention to the moment you are experiencing, you will not be able to experience the magic at all.

22. “There is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.” – Kate Douglas Wiggin

The ability to change yourself into a better version of yourself is the greatest magic of all. This is because it requires isolation, perseverance, awareness, and most of all courage.

Many people talk about change but only a few are willing to walk down that road. This is because the rest don’t have the kind of magic it takes to go away and do the work to change themselves.

This doesn’t mean to completely shut off from the world. It means to spend time knowing yourself and figuring yourself out. It means to make yourself the top priority and only focus on yourself.

Once you are far away from the influence of other people, you will start paying attention to yourself and the things around you. You will take the greatest journey there is of self-discovery and you will come out of it as the best version of yourself. Metamorphosis is magic after all.

23. “There’s a flame of magic inside every stone & every flower, every bird that sings & every frog that croaks. There’s magic in the trees & the hills & the river & the rocks, in the sea & the stars & the wind, a deep, wild magic that’s as old as the world itself. It’s in you too, my darling girl, and in me, and in every living creature, be it ever so small. Even the dirt I’m sweeping up now is stardust. In fact, all of us are made from the stuff of stars.” – Kate Forsyth

Everything around us is magic and this quote sums up all that magic in the most perfect way possible. These things may seem mundane at first but the magic only reveals itself to the people who are open to listening.

There is magic everywhere from humans to nature to the stars to the animals every one of us is filled with magic. We are all made of stardust, atoms, and galaxies that collided billions of years ago. If that is not magic then what is?

We are all made from the same matter and this is why we are all connected. The Creator is the biggest magician of all. Without them, the world would cease to exist and the magic of the world would not be known to anyone.

How beautiful it is that we have been given the chance to experience this magic every single day. Enjoy the beautiful magic while you are here.

Magical crystal fortune ball

24. “If magic was present, it moved under the skin of the world, beneath the ability of human eyes to catch sight of it.” – Gregory Maguire

Magic can’t be seen. It can only be felt and experienced. This is why you can’t see magic. Our eyes are not graced with the ability to see it because even our senses are limited. There is a world that is completely beyond us that we don’t even know about because we can’t see, hear, or feel it.

Our limited senses and perception have closed the door of great magic. However, the closest you can get to it is by creating awareness and heightening your senses and perception.

This is the only way you will come close to experiencing the power of magic. Once you do, you will never want to turn back. But first, you need to do the work to grasp it in the first place.

You need to believe it and you need to be open to different experiences. This is the only way magic will reveal itself to you. Once it does, your life will never be the same.

25. “Is there magic in this world? Certainly! But it is not the kind of magic written about in fantasy stories. It is the kind of magic that comes from ideas and the hard work it often takes to make them real. ” – Robert Fanney

The magic you have heard about till now, all the fantasy stories and books are not real magic. That is fantasy. If you want to know real magic then you need to do the work.

The real magic comes from belief in it and ideas to help you execute that magic. It requires hard work because it is extraordinary and nothing great comes easy.

You have the magic inside you to make anything you want possible. Your magic is your potential and you need to utilize it to bring your ideas to reality and turn your thoughts into actions.

This requires consistency and hard work. However, once you do the work you will soon realize the beauty of magic and what it takes to experience it. It is not an easy road but one you need to take if you want to lead a life that is filled with magic.

26. “When two people meet and fall in love, there’s a sudden rush of magic. Magic is just naturally present then. We tend to feed on that gratuitous magic without striving to make any more. One day we wake up and find that the magic is gone. We hustle to get it back, but by then it’s usually too late, we’ve used it up. What we have to do is work like hell at making additional magic right from the start. It’s hard work, but if we can remember to do it, we greatly improve our chances of making love stay.” ―Tom Robbins

It’s magical when we fall in love but, in order to keep the relationship working, we should make efforts continuously. Otherwise, one day we will wake up and realize that the magic in the relationship has vanished. Remember that where there is love, there is magic but, even magic requires certain efforts to keep it going!

You cannot expect love to be always present for you if you don’t work hard for it. Falling in love is easy but staying in a relationship is what takes effort.

When you love someone, you cannot decide to take things easily without it damaging your relationship. It requires real effort to make it work.

Do not treat your love like some kind of award or a trophy item for you. To keep the magic alive in your relationship, make daily efforts for it. Then only you can have a successful love life.

Boy performs magic in a wheat field

27.“No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.” ― R.A. Salvatore

What good would be the world without imagination, creativity and magic! There would be nothing enchanting about it. We would not believe in anything magical. Everything would become boring and dull.

For us to survive in this world, it is very important that we keep our faith in something extraordinary and magical. Believing in something extraordinary would give us hope ad reason to live.

Magic also makes the world a mysterious place to live in where we can keep our curiosity alive. Hoping for something good to happen is what makes us keep going. Otherwise, we would just feel like machines in this not-so-creative world!

Life without magic would be not interesting at all. If life is canvas, magic is the paint brush to it. It helps us in being creative in this boring world and also widens our thinking capacity. Thus, magic is important for us to keep our faith in this cruel world.

28. “Some people are magic, and others are just the illusion of it.” ― Beau Taplin

We come across many people in our lives that leave their mark on our heart and mind forever! These are the people who we find interesting and enchanting.

Some of these people are truly magical. There is magic in everything that they do. Their laugh, their mind, their beauty; everything is magical about them. They will make you fall in love with their magic and kindness. Their laugh is infectious just like the laugh of a child.

While some people are the true epitome of magic, there are some who are a mere illusion of magic. The old saying all that glitters is not gold goes true in their case. They will try to manipulate you in their own ways and you will abide by whatever they say.

So, you need to learn to differentiate between those who are actually magical and those who are just an illusion of it.

29. “I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sensed it enough to get a hold of it and make it do things for us” ― Frances Hodgson Burnett 

There is something magical about everything we do and everyone we meet. They all have their own unique personality and identity which makes their charm and magic different from others. We get different magical vibes from things we do which makes that particular thing unique.

All we need to do is to realize that everything and everyone has their own unique identity. We would be foolish to not realize this simple thing. Different magic and tricks work on different things. Just find how to work your magic on different things and make them do things for you.

All we need to do is realize it and make the best use of it. Understanding the unique personality of everyone will not only help us in making the best use of it but also help us in knowing the different charms related to different things. If you understand this basic trick, it can help you in a long way!

30. “I don’t believe it,’ Quince says with absolute certainty.’ I don’t believe anything magical can make someone more in love.’ He looks me right in the eye as he says, ‘Love is already the strongest magic in the world.” ― Tera Lynn Childs

Love is the strongest form of magic available in this world. The mere feeling of being in love can make your whole life magical. It would give you the strength to do things which you never thought of doing. All other magical things come next after love.

If you are in love, you will do anything to make your lover happy no matter how impossible it might seem to others. This is because you need to make continuous efforts for the relationship to work otherwise its charm will wear off.

There is no magic that would make a person more in love than he already is! This is why people say that love is the strongest from magic in the whole wide world because nothing can over ride this feeling. Just keep making the necessary efforts and enjoy this magical journey forever. There is no magic greater than love itself.

Mysterious magical castle

31. “Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.” ― Aleister Crowley

Everything that has been discovered by science until now is already been discovered by magic ages ago!

Magic is a whole wide subject which has knowledge of everything that goes around in the world. Magic will offer you its insights on any subject in the world.

So, everything that science has discovered, magic knew of it even before. There is nothing tremendously fussy and clever about science. It just stole ideas from different magicians and applied it in real world.

So, don’t get too excited if you witness some wonder of science because magicians had already achieved it before as the relationship between magic and science is direct. You will be amazed to know that scientists study the various aspects of magic to come up with new scientific ideas.

Therefore, it is not science but magic which should be awarded and given its due credit as magic has proved itself long before science.

32. “Never, ever stop believing in magic, no matter how old you get. Because if you keep looking long enough and don’t give up, sooner or later you’re going to find Mary Poppins.” ― Steve Kluger

Whether young or old; wise or fool, we must never stop believing in magic.

It is only our firm belief which makes the sun set every evening and rise again each morning. A simple belief in extraordinary things can make them happen no matter how impossible they may seem at first.

So, no matter how old you get, never stop believing in magic. Try to find magic in little things such as the sun set, sun rise, rain, wind, oceans etc. you will realize that believing in magic would help you face the harsh realities of life which otherwise would have been impossible for you.

Giving up is only the trait of losers. Who knows that one day you might actually find the magic that you have been looking for? All your efforts will be rewarded that one day! So, never stop believing in magic and one day you will come across something magical for sure.

33. “What an utter disgrace it would be to find something truly magic and spend any time at all pretending and trying to convince yourself it is all just an unbelievably orchestrated and beautifully choreographed illusion.” ― Tyler Knott Gregson

If you ever come across anything magical, never dismiss it as a mere illusion. Have faith that magic can happen to anyone including you as well!

Many people do not believe in magic because they have been told from their childhood that there is no such thing as magic. This kills all their creativity and limits their senses.

Otherwise, you will only regret it later that you had the chance to witness some magic and you disregarded it by not believing in it.

So, never stop expecting magic to happen to you. Who knows you might get lucky one day!

Also, teach your children about the magic the world holds for us so that they never question anything magical when they come across it. This will widen their senses and make them more creative and thoughtful which is necessary to survive in this harsh world.

34. “In a way fighting was just like using magic. You said the words, and they altered the universe. By merely speaking you could create damage and pain, cause tears to fall, drive people away, make yourself feel better, make your life worse.” ― Lev Grossman

Your words have the power to change the world just like magic! The mere selection of your words can change the whole perspective of someone.

Remember that words are not just part of speech nut there is something magical about them. The use of words can either make a relationship or break a relationship.

Many people mock at the idea of magic being real. But, if only they knew what sort of magic words can play, they would never question the existence of magic again.

You can create pain, damage, tears, laughter and love only with the selection of your words. This is why everyone advises to choose your words wisely.

Just with words, you can drive people away from you and make your life better or worse. So, use your words thoughtfully and see how it will enchant the people around you.

If this isn’t magic, then what is?

Magical shiny spell book and crystal fortune ball

35. “Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly…but merely to be LIVED. Boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, magically LIVED.” ― Mandy Hale

Remember that life is not meant to be perfect. Instead, you should enjoy and live your life with all its imperfections. That is the true of magic of life as well.

The imperfection of life is what makes it more perfect. There is something magical in these imperfections. There is something thrilling about not knowing what is going to happen next in your life. This wild, uncertain life is completely worth living for!

We are given life only once so, instead of keep trying to make it a perfect one, you should live your life where you have no regrets! It is a single chance to enjoy everything and fulfill all your wishes.

Instead of waiting for the magic to happen to you, create your own magic in your life and make it perfect with all your imperfections, uncertainty, wildness, beauty and boldness. You will then notice how your imperfect life becomes perfect for you.

36. “M is for magic. All the letters are, if you put them together properly. You can make magic with them, and dreams, and, I hope, even a few surprises…” ― Neil Gaiman

Words and magic go hand in hand! If you use your words nicely, you can create magic through them. If only you knew the impact your words would leave on others, you would think a thousand times before using your words.

Your words have the ability to influence a million people out there and make them fall in love with your writing. You can even stir mass movements just by the magic of your words. You can convince people to change their mind just by using a good collection of words.

Your words have the power to make people believe, dream and love things which they have never seen! A single magical word can change the whole thinking process of someone. So, use your words wisely and see how they create magic! Change your life and life of people around you with the use of your words.

37. “When you’re touched by magic, nothing’s ever quite the same again. What really makes me sad is all those people who never have the chance to know that touch. They’re too busy, or they just don’t hold with make-believe, so they shut the door without really knowing it was there to be opened in the first place.” ― Charles de Lint

The touch of magic changes everything! There are many unlucky people in life who are not aware with this magic touch because they are too busy in living a normal and boring life. They have completely disregarded the fact that magic exists because there creative senses have stopped working.

When magic touches us, it changes our whole perspective on life. We start seeing things in a completely different light. It enhances our thinking capacity and makes our mind more creative.

Unlucky are those who have shut themselves to this touch of magic. They are too busy in achieving material things in life that they have closed the door of magic for themselves without even knowing that it existed in the first place. There thinking capacities have been limited because they have been living a normal life for too long and it’s quite difficult for them to go back now.

38. “Humanity does not suffer from the disease of wrong beliefs but humanity suffers from the contagious nature of the lack of belief. If you have no magic with you it is not because magic does not exist but it is because you do not believe in it. Even if the sun shines brightly upon your skin every day, if you do not believe in the sunlight, the sunlight for you does not exist.” ― C. JoyBell C.

When we believe in something, it likewise influences our actions. These actions can then influence the beliefs of others as well. A simple belief can make things come true!

In today’s world, many people do not believe in a lot of things such as magic, ghosts and fairies. They have completely lost any sense of creativity and imagination. Their senses have been limited to basic uses and their intuition and creativity gas stopped working at all!

So, if there is no magic present around you, it is only because you do not believe in it not because it doesn’t exist in this world.

This lack of believe doesn’t mean that magic doesn’t exist. It simply means that it is present, but we have chosen to ignore it. Therefore, in order to experience magic in your life, you need to start believing in it as well. Then only something truly magical will happen for you to witness it.

Magical meteor shower

39. “Magic, madam, is like wine and, if you are not used to it, it will make you drunk.” ― Susanna Clarke

Just like drinking wine for the first time would make you intoxicated, so can magic if you are not used to it!

If you are not familiar with magic and you witness it somewhere, it can make you feel overwhelmed! You will not be able to digest the thought of magic happening around you and you might feel that you are intoxicated or not in your senses.

So, it is not wrong to say that if you do not know what magic is and, spot some magic happening it will make you feel drunk and absurd. You might even think that you are getting nuts.

You need not worry! Just remember that if you are not familiar with something doesn’t make it unreal.

40. “Magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. Humans have cut themselves off from their senses. Now they see only a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes.” ― Michael Scott

Humans of today have limited their thinking capacity. They have shut themselves out to all the creativity of the world. The capability of their senses has been limited and their intuition has stopped working at all.

Their senses have become so poor that they are only able to tell apart basic differences such as sounds and smells which is shockingly limited. Their whole thinking capacity has been limited and it can only widen when they start believing in magic.

Magic is what makes us realize that there is much more to the world than the daily routine we follow. The world holds many interesting things that we are not capable of noticing because we have limited our senses. Thus, to experience magic, we need to widen our thinking capacity and senses. Then only we will be able to witness some magic in our lives.

41. “I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants of shape shifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet and walk.”― Katja Millay

What is the world without magic? What’s the point of living if we don’t believe in magic and miracles?

Imagine how boring a place would be if there is no creativity and imagination in it. What good a world would be without shape shifters, angels or some super natural creatures!

The reality of the world is indeed hard and, we all need some sort of hope to survive in this harsh world that we are living in. We need to believe in magic. We need to believe that there is some super hero waiting to save us. We need to believe that angels do exist who take care of us. We need to believe Santa Clause arrives every Christmas with our presents.

Otherwise, the harsh reality of the world will drive us insane. We will have no motivation to achieve anything let alone lift our feet to walk.

42. “Anytime you feel love for anything, be it stone, tree, lover, or child, you are touched by the Goddess’s magick…” ― Cate Tiernan

When God puts love and compassion in your heart towards something, it means that He is trying to soften up your heart with His magic. You must learn to follow that love because God wants you to.

You’ll be amazed at how God can put up love for things and people in your heart which you never knew you were capable of before. If you need love of God, you need to love His creatures and the things he created first. This is why God uses his magic to put love for His creatures in your heart. This is His way of bringing you closer to Him.

So, have faith in God and trust His plans! Even if you are going through any hardships just remember that God wants you to move to bigger blessings and is going to create His magic soon. So, don’t lose hope and believe in His magic.

Mysterious key lies in the forest ground

43. “The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” ― Bertrand Russell

Just because you cannot see something, doesn’t mean that it does not exist in this world! Just because your senses are limited doesn’t mean that you can ignore the existence of magic in this world. It is only about your perception.

In today’s world, we have become so busy with our lives that we have lost the ability to notice and witness extraordinary things that life has to offer such as magic itself. Noticing magic requires great effort for which we do not have time any more.

Magic has moved itself into the depths of the world away from the human eyes. This is why it requires great effort in spotting even the little bit of magic.

This doesn’t mean that magic doesn’t exist. It only refers to the fact that our senses have become too numb to notice all the magic around us.

So, never stop believing in magic and something truly magical might happen to you soon enough. It’s all a matter of time!

44. “A man’s magic demonstrates what sort of person he is, what is held most deeply inside of him. There is no truer gauge of a man’s character than the way in which he employs his strength, his power. I was not a murderer. I was not like Victor Sells. I was Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. I was a wizard. Wizards control their power. They don’t let it control them. And wizards don’t use magic to kill people. They use it to discover, to protect, to mend, to help. Not to destroy.” ― Jim Butcher

The magic of a man lies in his strength. His strength tells us what kind of person he is. The way in which he uses this strength reveals a great deal about his character. An evil person would use his magic for evil doings whereas a good person would utilize his magic to help others in this world.

He must use his strength in a better way and not to harm or kill anyone. Rather, he should his use magic to learn and discover new things and help others. He should control his emotions at all costs. Then only we can establish the goodness of his character. We can also say that he used his magic wisely.

Therefore, using his strength in positive things is very important because it reveals a great deal about what kind of a person he is!

beautiful stars shining

45. “Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.” ― Sigmund Freud

You might not realize but your words have the power to cast spells. It’s something wonderful and magical. You might even call yourself a magician for that!

Mere words can increase your heart rate, make you smile, cry or even make you believe in love!

Our acceptance of these words is not limited to our understanding but our belief. Just like magic! We do not understand magic but belief in magic is what keeps us going on.

You might even be surprised to find out that the word spell which has two different meanings of casting a spell or spelling a word are also influenced by each other.

So, this is how close magic and words go by! Never take your words for granted because it can leave a lasting impact on somebody’s mind and heart. Use the magic of your words wisely.

46. “A magician is strong because he feels pain. He feels the difference between what the world is and what he would make of it. Or what did you think that stuff in your chest was? A magician is strong because he hurts more than others. His wound is his strength. ” ― Lev Grossman

A magician’s strength is his pain.

He feels the pain because he observes the world. He notices what the world is lacking and everything wrong with it.

He knows that he could either make the world a better place or even worst through his magic but something is holding him from doing so. He is being held from doing so because he must not mess with the momentum of the world or the whole world will have to suffer. Holding himself back is what makes him hurt more because he really wants to make a contribution in this world.

This is why he feels all the pain in his chest because he cannot do anything to change the world even though he has the power to do so. The pain is what makes him stronger than others. This is also what differentiates a magician from normal human beings. His greatest strengths lies in his wounds.

Mysterious magical blue flowers blooming

47. “Love isn’t a decision. It’s a feeling. If we could decide who we loved, it would be much simpler, but much less magical” ― Trey Parker

There are certain people for whom you feel a special type of attraction at first sight. These are the one you can’t help loving. That’s the magic of love. You cannot just decide on whom to love. It just happens naturally and, when it does, it is the most beautiful and magical feeling in the whole world.

On the other hand, there are many people who you acknowledge to be good but you cannot feel anything for them and then there are people who you know are not good for you but you can’t help loving them.

Life would be much simpler id you decide who to love but then it would take away all the charm of loving someone without helping yourself because if you choose who to love then that would not be love but just a mere decision.

Thus, the magic lies in not deciding on someone to love but going with the feelings of your heart.

 48. “But you must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil will follow on that act. The world is in balance, in Equilibrium. A wizard’s power of Changing and Summoning can shake the balance of the world. It is dangerous, that power…It must follow knowledge, and serve need.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin

Magic and wisdom must go hand in hand otherwise it would disturb the whole equilibrium of the world. This is why it is said that trusting a foolish person with power and strength is a dangerous thing to do.

A fool with power has the ability to destroy the whole world. He would turn down the whole balance of the world because he wouldn’t have any idea of what he is doing.

Therefore, power should be entrusted only to someone who knows how to use it wisely. He should use the power only when it is needed otherwise it can become fairly dangerous.

49. “So why not live with the magic? Be a kid again and believe in the fantastical. Life is more fun with a little smoke and mirrors.” ― L.H. Cosway

Young kids believe in magic! They believe that anything can happen if we wish for it with our heart. They believe that monsters and fairies exist.

Believe in something in one form or another can help us go on. It also helps us in accepting the harder realities of life. Life becomes more fun when we believe in magic just like children do.

So, to add a tint of creativity and hope in your life, start believing in magic again. Hope for something really good and magical to happen to you. Believe in monsters, fairies, smoke and mirrors again. Who knows it might all become true one day!

50. “Perhaps the magic would last, perhaps it wouldn’t. But then again, what does?” ― Terry Pratchett

Have you ever seen something permanent in this world? The world is temporary! Nothing lasts here.

So is the case with magic. Perhaps it would last or perhaps it wouldn’t! But this doesn’t mean that you stop believing in its worth and presence. You should be aware of the power that magic possesses. Never forget that how a simple belief in magic helped you keep your sanity when everything was going against your will.

There are many other things in life which don’t last as well. This doesn’t stop us from believing in them. So why should we stop believing in magic when it’s our only hope that something good will happen sooner or later, that like a rare black swan, something we didn’t believe possible can appear all of a sudden and change everything.

As all the good things in life must come to end, you must remember that these magical moments have the tendency to end too. If you love someone they can leave you too. But, think of how beautiful it made your life when it was present in the first place!