Cute relationship quotes, cute relationship for him & for her, regardless of the exact kind of sayings you like, you’re here because you believe in love. You’re here because you want to celebrate love! There are so many cute couples moments, moments that make your heart get bigger and bigger, and make your love grow and gain such a massive momentum that you feel empowered and capable of everything.
When you dive deep into these wonderful cute quotes, you end up feeling so pumped with love, feeling how everything is connected, that your entire world is changing in front of your eyes, just because of that warm feeling of love that spreads in your body. Don’t underestimate the power of words and lingo in relationships, as they guide you towards that strong sensation of love and sharing love with your significant other when you truly let go and let it take you. Enjoy these handpicked cute quotes, and let yourself fall in love all over again.
1. “You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.”
You stole my heart. You. My heart is not mine anymore, it’s yours. And even though it’s not mine anymore (yes we’re talking about my heart, a vital organ that I can not live without and enables me to express and feel love) I’ll let you keep it! What a wonderful thing to say to a human being, that you are OK with someone else having something as precious and indispensable as your heart and love.
The speaker doesn’t have a problem with their loved one keeping their heart. Could there be a higher level of trust than this? In fact, maybe they don’t even feel that their heart was stolen when it’s their soulmate who has it. Their soulmate takes care of it, and perhaps their heart doesn’t need anyone taking care of it when it’s being held by their soulmate. What a cute and beautiful thing to say!
“I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.”
2. “I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.”
You’re not the same person as you were yesterday, and you’re not the same person that you will be tomorrow. Tomorrow is tomorrow, today is today, and yesterday is yesterday. But one thing always stays the same, there is one thing that is impeccable, and that is love.
Love has no boundaries, love is infinite, love is endless, love is flawless, love is perfect, love surpasses everything, love overcomes anything any obstacle & any hurdle, love transcends language, gender, race, matter, space, and also time. You may change, for better or for worse, but love and its essence can only grow when you are with your true soulmate. Love is the indicator that tells you when you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
3. “I stupidly smile at my phone when I see your name on the screen.”
I love these stupid smiles! The way you feel embarrassed when you catch yourself smiling in the middle of the street, on the bus, in traffic, in class, at family gatherings, with your friend, at the gym, shopping, or just casually chilling on the couch in front of Netflix. He cute it is to see yourself from the outside, how sweet it is to feel that way.
It’s like having a secret, something that no one else knows about, like a private joke, that no one else laughs at, like a secret stairway that leads to the bottom of your heart. These sweet and innocent moments of love, that no else from the outside can understand or be a part of (except from your significant other) are your superpower. They light your way and warm your heart, giving you small and sweet rides on the joy carousel that last throughout the day and energize you, making you feel so content and looking for more to come, for more of your other half.
“I thought life was one thing, but when I met you I understood that it’s something completely different.”
VBchange.com4. “I thought life was one thing, but when I met you I understood that it’s something completely different.”
We think that we know what life is all about. We think that we got it all figured out. We go by with our everyday life – wake up, brush our teeth, have coffee (or tea), go to work or school, meet some friends, meet some family, have some fun, eat something in between, brush our teeth again (we sure hope so), and then going to bed. And repeat.
But sometimes something different happens, something that we haven’t planned, something that came out of nowhere, something that hits us so hard and makes us see life in a completely different manner. Something that completely transforms your life as you knew it. We feel so blessed when this happens, when these sweet moments and processes take place, when one thing leads to another and then all of a sudden life change and never go back to being the same, now you are reborn into love.
5. “You’re kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind.”
Yeah, it may be embarrassing to admit it, it may bother you how important your loved one is to you, how fundamental their presence is in your life that you can not help but think about them all day every day. Yes, it could even be intimidating to admit how you are so much in love and feel so much to another person. It’s scary enough to acknowledge that by yourself and not share it with others, so imagine how brave you have to be to tell the whole world that you feel this way.
But it’s actually something to be jealous about, something that we can all wish for ourselves.
How many people get to be so deeply in love? So deeply aligned with their emotions and feelings that they can say to themselves and to the world that they feel that way to another? This ability to be vulnerable is what enables you to receive love and give love in such a deep manner.“My favorite place is inside your hug.”
VBchange.com6. “My favorite place is inside your hug.”
You can get lost but you can always come back home.
When life’s treating you badly, when things don’t go as you planned, when you find no success in what you do no matter how hard you try, when it feels like it’s not your day – every day, you can always come home. Come home to your favorite place, come home inside your soulmate’s hug.And this is true the other way around as well.
You can see butterflies flying all around you, visit the most amazing places, enjoy the fanciest delicacies in the fanciest restaurants, drive the most luxurious cars, live in the most fabulous house, wear the finest clothes, and live life to its fullest. But still, your favorite place, your favorite place in the whole wide world, is inside your soulmate’s hug. And when you’re there nothing else matters.7. “When we are old, I’ll forget myself before I’ll forget you.”
When living with someone for so long, when loving someone for so long, when seeing yourself in the eyes of your other half for so long, the separation between you starts to fade as your lives blend so harmonically that you’re both the end and the beginning of each other.
When your body and mind start to tear down, start to decay, your form and shape fade, what’s left? When even your memory starts betraying you, when even your sense of self and your identity starts slipping through your fingers, what’s left?
What’s left is the one thing that always transcends all, the one thing that survives everything, that trumps every obstacle, that lives even past time itself. It’s love. Only love.
And when your lover is there for you in your life, even when you forget yourself, you’ll never forget love, as it is not only what ties you together, it is the essence of who you are.“I thought I was complete but then I met you, and everything I knew about myself changed. You’re my everything.”
VBchange.com8. “I thought I was complete but then I met you, and everything I knew about myself changed. You’re my everything.”
We think that we know what life is all about, that everything is set in stone, the days pass by and we all continue on the same known safe track. Most of us do not stop for a second to think about what could be, what could happen, and who we would meet. We don’t know what we don’t know, we can not predict what we can’t even imagine or believe. And sometimes, such unpredictable even can lead to a complete life transformation.
And when this happens, when that special someone comes into our lives, nothing is going to be the same anymore. And that’s a good thing, that’s a great thing. To fall in love and get taken away, be overwhelmed with love, appreciation, gratitude, and joy of what life brought us and the blessing that our lover brought into our lives.
9. “I want to wake up at 2am, roll over, see your face, and know that I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
Being in love is not only about feeling the joy, the adventure, the butterflies, the thrill, and the excitement, it’s also about building a strong foundation together. Knowing that we can rely on each other, be each other’s home, each other’s safe haven, and shelter in the storm, is what helps us be grounded and stable. It’s the solid ground that enables us to thrive and flourish, but also what keeps us safe and secure when the storms come, which is when we need it the most.
This strong connection, this sacred bond of love and life partnership, is something so valuable that you can easily understand how one would like to cherish and admire this so passionately. Even waking up at the middle of the night just to so the face of your other half doesn’t sound like too much to do when it reminds you that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
“There’s something so strange about you. When I look at you I see both the good times we had and the great times that are coming.”
VBchange.com10. “There’s something so strange about you. When I look at you I see both the good times we had and the great times that are coming.”
What a beautiful and romantic thing to say! That you see the current times and what’s about to come when you are looking at your soulmate. It’s not only about enjoying, appreciating, admiring, and celebrating what you have today, the beautiful relationship and deep connection that you have nowadays, but also what you are going to have in the future years to come.
Maybe it’s your family? Is it the future kids that you will have together? Being grandpa and grandma together to cute and beautiful little grandkids? Is seeing a beautiful sunset together? Sailing in the ocean while enjoying the sun and cool breeze? The fact that you have so many things that you can do together, so many things that you can be and have together, the fact that you can see all of that so clearly, makes you even more connected to your significant other, as you know that the future is bright and full of love.
11. “You bring out the best in me, even on my worst days.”
We all have learned that one plus one equals two, but in a loving relationship one plus one is so much more than two, it’s one plus one equals the whole world. You are two halves that together make a whole that is so much greater than who you are separately. You can become so much more with the power of love, the love that you share together and live with day by day.
With the right light, everything looks more beautiful. And the other way is also true, even the Mona Lisa can look ugly when the lighting is bad. It’s not that it’s not beautiful anymore, she has the same features, but the world can not witness and admire its beauty without the right lighting. And the same is true with you and your lover. When their light shines upon you, when their love shines upon you, you not only come out at your best, you become a masterpiece.
“You’re a freak. But you’re my freak.”
VBchange.com12. “You’re a freak. But you’re my freak.”
These lovely parrots are no freaks at all, but they tell you the story and message. We can be only 2 green-chested, yellow-headed, black-striped-backs creatures in the world, we could be the only souls that understand each other, but we will be each other’s only ones. You do you, I do me, I will accept you, and you will accept me, no matter what.
Acknowledging that you are a freak, acknowledging your flaws, imperfections, and mistakes, and taking you as mine, loving you as mine, is accepting you as who you really are. It’s not only about loving you, it’s about loving you the way you are. And when we embrace our freakness, it’s me and you against the world, and who can challenge or stand in your way when we have each other?
13. “Taking a breath after diving into the deep sea felt familiar. It was the same feeling I had when I kissed you for the first time.”
Have you ever had that feeling? Of coming outside the water after a long dive? When your body and mind are thirsty for air and craving to take a deep breath? Well, it can not be easily described in words, but we have to describe it somehow, then you can say that it’s like coming back to life again. It’s like before, when you were underwater, you were alive but not really living, and when you come back again to the surface of the ocean and take that first breath again it’s like being reborn and back to life.
And the same feeling touches you when you kiss the love of your life for the first time. It’s the same feeling that you have when you have that first kiss with them, and know that you are back to life. At that moment, you understand that you were alive before but you haven’t really lived, and this is your last first kiss. You won’t ever want to kiss anyone else again.
“I want our kids to have your smile, beauty, kindness, sweetness, talent. On my end? They can just have my last name, that’s enough for me.”
VBchange.com14. “I want our kids to have your smile, beauty, kindness, sweetness, talent. On my end? They can just have my last name, that’s enough for me.”
You know that feeling when you look at someone and just say to yourself ‘OMG they’re just perfect’ (sometimes you even say it out loud lol)? You look at them and you are just mesmerized? Caught up in their charm that nothing else matters? That the whole world has taken a leave of absence and it’s just you and them?
When you feel that way, when they take your breath away in such a powerful way, you know that you don’t need anything else in your life besides a family, beautiful little souls that will expand your love even further. And when you feel the way you do towards your lover you just want your kids to be as perfect as they are, what else can one ask for?
15. “Ever since I met you I thought I needed glasses. Life seems blurry when you’re away from me.”
When they say that love could be dangerous, that love can even be destructive, they mean that it is so intense and all-consuming that it can overshadow everything else. It’s like watching a volcano erupt or a huge wave coming close to the beach, it’s so powerful and impressive, that it makes most of the things in life appear small compared to that.
But this is exactly why love is so beautiful and valuable, this is why we live life, because we want to live life to its fullest, even if it means that some of the highs and picks that we used to build our lives around suddenly become irrelevant as you have found something so mesmerizing and beautiful that takes your life by storm. It’s not that you don’t see well, it’s not that life is blurry, it’s just nothing to compare with what you feel when you’re with your lover.
“Life seems so bright when we’re together. Maybe it’s because of the way the sun reflects from your smile and heart when you look at me.”
VBchange.com16. “Life seems so bright when we’re together. Maybe it’s because of the way the sun reflects from your smile and heart when you look at me.”
Who are we? Are we our bodies? Our names? Our history?
Are we the people who were raised by our parents, family, school, friends, environment, events in our lives, cultural influences, nationality, and gender? Are we the music we love? The food that we love? Our physical appearance and opinions? Maybe, but I believe that we are more than that.I believe that we are simply vessels of love, that we are here in this world to receive love and give love. As everything is connected, we are merely here to pass the love, and that’s why life seems so bright when you share the love with your soulmate. It is then that your frequencies sync up together harmonically as they should be, as they were meant to be, and it reflects from everything around you.
17. “Einstein was right, time is relative. A moment with you feels like an entire life and a week feels like a second. Time loses its meaning when I’m with you.”
You know that feeling when you are in the zone? When you lose your sense of time and everything kind of seems to slow down? When you feel like you can do everything? That you can not be wrong? For example, in basketball, the hoops seem large of a sudden, the ball becomes really small and very likely to get in when you shoot it, and even if you’re way beyond the 3-point mark it feels to you as if you’re so close to the hoop.
This feeling is what’s being described in this quote. That feeling that you don’t feel time any more, that everything is possible, that even if you’re standing a mile away from the hoop there is a 100% chance that your shot will go in, the feeling that you are unstoppable. But the real beauty is the even though you can do everything when you are in that state, you really don’t need or want to do anything – because you are so happy and satisfied with where you are right now with your lover.
“I wish I knew you when we were kids, we could have more time together.”
VBchange.com18. “I wish I knew you when we were kids, we could have more time together.”
Life can be divided into 2 sections. Before you had love in your life, and after you had love in your life. Living with love, rather than living a ‘normal’ or ‘standard’ life, is something completely different. When you say that you wish you knew your significant other when you were kids so you could have more time together is basically saying that you wish to feel that sweet warm feeling of being in love more in your life. To feel that heavenly feeling that makes life matter and paints everything in your life in vivid and beautiful colors.
You want to milk it, to breathe this feeling as deep as you can into your lungs and body, letting it nurture your soul, so one can easily understand why you wish you had more time with the person that makes you feel this way. Imagine having 5 years more, or 10, or 15 years more to be in love and spend time with your lover, imagine how these years would be so different, in a way that can definitely change your personality and the way you perceive yourself.
19. “Being with you is like becoming a child again. I can have the most stupid laughs with you without carrying who’s looking.”
Being in love, feeling how your soulmate makes you feel such a divine feeling, is somewhat like going back to your childhood, to the time when you were an innocent and naive kid. When you are a child you feel everything so much deeper vs when you are grown up, and you can imagine how intense and overwhelming feeling of being in love would be for a child.
When you are a child, it’s like you have a secret language that no one understands. You haven’t been spoiled ‘yet’ by the adults, and you are living in your own world, having your own laughs and unique views of the world. This world is so rich and unique, but most of the time it’s private, as no one else knows what’s going on inside your head and experience, except for the rare friendships that you make along the way. That’s why this quote is so special as it re-creates that experience of sharing your own private and lively world with another in a way that very few people have experienced.
“Ever since I met you my life turned into a circle. No matter where I go you’re always the center of them.”
VBchange.com20. “Ever since I met you my life turned into a circle. No matter where I go you’re always the center of them.”
The person saying this, that no matter where they go their significant other is the center of their life, is not only deeply in love, but also very brave. Imagine that everywhere you go, your other half is in your mind. All the actions and plans that you make or take? Yes, they are all around your lover, they all lead to the same place, and they all take you back to your center, your home, your base. But admitting that this is your life, that everything in it leads to this 1 person, can be scary and intimidating.
What happens if this person leaves you? What would you do if something would happen to them? What would happen to your life? To your happiness? Should you prepare for that?
But this fear, or, perhaps it’s better to say, this need to discover your courage, is what enables you to experience love to its core, to explore how deep can it go. You are taking a leap of faith into love, leaving your destiny in its hands.21. “I love the way you make me laugh.”
The most amazing flowers have such beautiful colors and patterns, and so are the world’s wonderful animals that come in all shapes, forms, and colors. But where are all the beautiful colors, shapes, patterns, and forms, go when the sun is down? If you can’t see them, how can you admire their beauty? If you can’t see them, are they still the same?
And the same thing goes when you’re in love.
You can be the same old you, the same colors, shapes, patterns, and forms, the same smile and laughs, but now, when receive a new light, when you are being treated by a new and loving sun, your appearance is completely different. The light of love makes you look different. It changes you. The love that you and your soulmate share together brings a new light to who you are, and it’s so beautiful.“When I’m with you I’m afraid. Afraid of finding out how deep my emotions to you can go.”
VBchange.com22. “When I’m with you I’m afraid. Afraid of finding out how deep my emotions to you can go.”
Being vulnerable is scary. Being all in, being all in in your relationship means that you come as you are, without trying to make yourself look good or be someone you are not, rather than being your true self, and this complete openness and authenticity means that if you will be rejected or disliked for some reason, you would not be able to hide behind some facade or image that you have created; but it would be the real you that will get hurt.
But this fear is what makes us crave love and seek it because we want to be seen as who we really are. To be loved unconditionally, to be vulnerable, and to be able to share with your other half all the mistakes and wrongs that you have done without being judged, rather than being loved and hugged. To know that no matter what happens they are here for you, and so are you to them. And this bond, these emotions, can go so deep in a way that tests your courage and ability to truly expose yourself and also embrace your partner for who they really are, despite all of their imperfections.
23. “When I’m with you I don’t feel anymore like a problem that needs to be solved, I feel whole.”
So many people spend their entire lives trying to figure out who they are, trying to figure out a way to solve their situation, trying to figure out what should they do next and what they need to do in order to stop feeling the way they do. Maybe you can identify yourself with that, but even if you can’t I’m sure that you have had the chance to meet someone in your life that feels this way.
So imagine how liberating it is for someone who has been searching for a solution throughout their entire life to finally find peace and ease, finally be able to get rid of this troubling feeling that has been haunting them for their entire life. It’s like coming home after a very long journey, you can finally relax and feel comfortable, just be yourself and enjoy the company of your lover who accepts you the way you are.
“You’re not perfect. But with you I am perfect.”
VBchange.com24. “You’re not perfect. But with you I am perfect.”
Throughout our lives, we have established an opinion about ourselves, based on all of the experiences that we have had, and all the emotions and feelings that came together with each experience. Through the lens of this opinion, we see ourselves, portray ourselves as good, bad, funny, jealous, kind, rude, sensitive, annoying, and so many other qualities.
But when the right person comes everything changes. When the right person comes into our lives, when the right person shares their love with us, we can let go of the image that we have of ourselves and can flourish, feel like a completely different person than who we used to be. And the funny thing is, the person that makes us feel that way? They don’t have to be perfect or so different than you, just by loving you they are the missing piece to your puzzle, the thing that makes you whole.
25. “I only want 3 things: See you. Hug you. Kiss you.”
When you are in love the world is both as wide and deep as the ocean and as narrow and limited as a sight, a hug, a kiss. When you are in love, when someone else makes your heart pop and the butterflies start flying in your belly, you have enough energy and power to explore the entire world, but you don’t need anything more than to see your lover, hug them, and kiss them.
It’s like winning the lottery. You have a ticket that enables you to do anything in the world, that gives you endless possibilities, but at the exact moment of holding this ticket, you feel so exhilarated and thrilled that you don’t anything. When you feel so joyous and happy, so excited and intoxicated with love, seeing your lover, hugging them, and kissing them, are the only things in the world that you need and want.
“You are my star. Even when I don’t see you I know that you are there for me.”
VBchange.com26. “You are my star. Even when I don’t see you I know that you are there for me.”
Sometimes in our lives, we feel lost, we feel that everything is lost, that there is no chance, and that nothing can help us move forward past the darkness that surrounds us. In these moments it is super hard to imagine that times can shift and for anything to change in our lives in our experience. And when that’s your mindset and way of thinking life becomes grim. When you lose your faith you really lose everything, and fighting for your optimism, belief that better times are coming, and hope, is crucial.
But even in the darkest times, when nothing seems to work and go right, the stars are always there up in the sky, even when you don’t see them. Especially when you don’t see them. And being in love is the same. Knowing that even in your darkest moments your other half is there for you, just waiting for you to look at the right direction and find them.
27. “You’re the only person in the world who can see me at my worst and still believe in my best.”
Being who you are and showing your true self is not something that comes easily to most if not all people. Think about it, there are so many things that can go wrong. As we are always our own worst critics, we are afraid that someone will judge us and touch our most painful and intimate corners of our personality.
This is why the saying above, of having someone who can see us at our worst and still believe in our best, is so rare and valued. How many people would just turn around and walk away? How many people would just let us down and leave us to handle our problems and wrongs on our own? When you have someone on your side, someone who has your back, you are not only so much stronger, but you are also more able to change and improve your weak points, as you have someone who can see through them and love you unconditionally.
“I was afraid to show you who I really am but you were brave enough to expose yourself to me, and now we are imperfect together.”
VBchange.com28. “I was afraid to show you who I really am but you were brave enough to expose yourself to me, and now we are imperfect together.”
Taking the first step is always the scariest. Jumping head-on into the risky waters of exposing yourself is perhaps one of the scariest things for any person. We keep so many things to ourselves, we hide our true selves because we are afraid of being rejected, afraid of showing off all the things about yourself that you are not proud of, or even ashamed of.
And having someone, who loves you, who chose you, who continues choosing you every day, who spends every day of their life with you, sharing with you the most intimate things that one can share, is one of the greatest presents that one can receive. Having someone to take the first step with you, having someone to be bold and brave is not only serving them, it also elevates you, as it makes it possible to do the same and take the risk too. To take the risk together.
29. “I thought the world was an empty dark place, but then I met you. The light of your love saved my life.”
You don’t know what you don’t know. We can spend our entire lives on this planet thinking that things work out the way they do for some reason, not trying to question our perceptions and assumptions about what is possible and what could happen. And when you go day by day like that, week by week, month after month, year after year, it’s hard to even start thinking in a different way because these beliefs become who you are.
And when you believe that the world is an empty dark place, it’s very hard to believe in love. In fact, it might be hiding under your nose for a long time before you notice it. But when it happens, when finally love comes into your world, into your presence, into your reality, it changes everything. It brings a new powerful light that makes life worth living, and the world a beautiful place to live in. The difference of having love in your life is the difference between light and darkness.
“With you the bad times are only the laughs we will have about them in the future.”
VBchange.com30. “With you the bad times are only the laughs we will have about them in the future.”
‘Remember that time when we got lost and ran out of gas? Wow, that was a crazy night. For a moment there I thought that that’s it we’re done, but looking back on it, it was definitely a night to remember and it was hilarious.’ In hindsight, so many awful and disastrous situations look like pure comedy and always bring up a smile on your face when looking back on it.
But it doesn’t with anyone. With some people, it just stays a bad memory haha. But when you share it with your special someone, with your soulmate and other half, even crazy situations, in real-time, become your next story to remember, and that perception is unique to true lovers.
31. “With you I feel I belong everywhere. When I’m with you the entire universe feels like my home.”
How sweet it is to know that someone is there for you, that someone is with you no matter what, that where you go – you go with your heart open. This feeling is probably unthinkable for someone who is not in love, for someone who doesn’t feel like the entire universe is there for them. And you know what? It’s hard to blame them, it’s such an outstanding feeling that you can not explain it to another.
Feeling like all the roads lead you to the right place, feeling like you are already where you need to be, that regardless of what you choose to do you are exactly where you are supposed to be, that every place is the right place for you, is something that you have to experience and feel at your core to grasp it and understand it fully.
“You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.”
VBchange.com32. “You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.”
So many people look in the mirror and not loving what they see. Some are OK with what they see, some say that every once in a while they feel beautiful, and unfortunately, so many others feel ugly constantly. How many people can honestly, genuinely, truly, say that they feel beautiful when they look at the mirror? Just look at the beauty industry, billions and billions of dollars are being spent every year on plastic surgery and other ways to change and ‘improve’ one’s appearance.
But at the end of the day, we want to look beautiful just so we can feel beautiful. All of our actions and attempts are meant to help us feel something inside us. And finding love and someone who makes you feel so beautiful is the perfect example of that – you haven’t changed anything, you just started feeling so beautiful because of your soulmate’s love.
33. “With you I feel like the 2 things that I should be: who and what I want.”
“With you even the scars from my past go away.”
VBchange.com34. “With you even the scars from my past go away.”
35. “I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me. But then I woke up and you were still there next to me.”
“With you I feel that my love is brighter than sunshine.”
VBchange.com36. “With you I feel that my love is brighter than sunshine.”
37. “You’re not just a pretty face. You’re a beautiful soul.”
“I’m the richest person in the world. I have you.”
VBchange.com38. “I’m the richest person in the world. I have you.”
39. “In your arms is right where I want to be, where nothing else matters besides you and me.”
“You are my happily ever after.”
VBchange.com40. “You are my happily ever after.”
41. “Being with you feels like coming home.”
“I am yours and you are mine.”
VBchange.com42. “I am yours and you are mine.”
43. “I thought I chose to love you, but actually it was totally out of control.”
“Gravity pulls me down, but you pull me up. Even the laws of the universe are not as strong as you.”
VBchange.com44. “Gravity pulls me down, but you pull me up. Even the laws of the universe are not as strong as you.”
45. “I never believed in soulmates until I met you.”
“I used to laugh at all of these kitschy people holding hands and Hollywood movies. But then I met you.”
VBchange.com46. “I used to laugh at all of these kitschy people holding hands and Hollywood movies. But then I met you.”
47. “Before I met you I tried to figure out the meaning of life and find my purpose. Now I don’t really care, I’m just happy.”
“I though I was late and far behind in life’s race but then I met you, and you made me feel right on time.”
VBchange.com48. “I though I was late and far behind in life’s race but then I met you, and you made me feel right on time.”
You can go around in circles for years without finding what you are looking for, what your heart really wants. You can do all the action in the world, all the effort in the world, but nothing comes to fruition. You’re stuck and don’t know what to do. The years go by, your friends find love, get married, start a family, it seems like everyone has someone to be with but you.
But you’re not behind, you’re right on track. Like a flower that blooms in the exact right moment, like the fruit that falls down from the tree, not a second too early or a second too late, so the love that walked into your life
49. “I’ve been looking for you without even knowing you.”
So many people go through their entire life in the ‘right’ course, going to the ‘right’ school, listening to the ‘right’ music, working in the ‘right’ job, doing the ‘right’ thing, dating the ‘right’ person for you, the one that everyone around you wants you to be with, you can do all of the ‘right’ things and still get everything wrong. You keep looking for it because because you haven’t found the place that is truly for you, what the heart wants.
And then one day it happens.
You meet the person of your dreams. Your heart beats fast. You’re afraid. You’re not sure what to do or what to say, afraid of how it would come out. You’re anxious, hesitant, and don’t want to mess things up. But then it happens. The magic happens.
You’re free to be yourself, to love and be loved, and they embrace you, you finally found what you’re looking for.“Even if we were alive 500 years ago or 500 years from today, we would still end up together.”
VBchange.com50. “Even if we were alive 500 years ago or 500 years from today, we would still end up together.”
51. “”You’re not just my partner, you’re my best friend””
52. “Yes, I’m thinking about you right now.”
53. “What a plot twist you were.”
54. “I love it when you tell me I’m yours.”
55. “I didn’t plan on falling for you, you were just too cute to handle.”
56. “When I saw you I thought my heart was missing a beat but then I realized it was your heart beating for me.
57. “Before I met you and after I met you are two different life times.”
58. “I felt unworthy but then I met you. Us being together, you choosing me every day, made me feel like the most worthy person in the world.”