Does Life Get Better?

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A depressed man wondering 'does life get better?'
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Every once in a while, we get stuck in life and ask ourselves, Does Life Get Better? We wish we could say that life will always be easy. That it will always be sunflowers, rainbows, and sunshine. As much as we hate it, we have to understand that life is all about ups and downs, good days and bad days. Sometimes we get to enjoy our happy days, where we feel like we are on top of the world, where everything and everyone makes sense. And sometimes we get to suffer on our bad days, where we feel bummed and demotivated, where nothing and no one makes any sense, looking for a way to let go of our mistakes and failures. Well, my dear friend, this is what life is all about. It has its way of twisting and taking 180 degree turns, it has its way of making the unexpected happen and the most expected seem impossible.

We wish we could tell you a path you could follow where no harm or sadness or woe would cross your way, but sadly, there is no such path. But let us tell you one thing that has stuck with us for years, you are and you will be the person that you are today because of the happiness, sadness, success, failures, sorrows, and mistakes that you have made. Always remember, everything happens for a reason, as deep down everything is connected. No matter how bad it might feel, how unexpected it may look, there is a reason behind it.

There Is A Silver Lining

As a wise man already said, “every cloud has a silver lining”.

You might be going through something that may seem like the end of the world, may it be the death of a loved one, loss in the business, failure of a long-term relationship, or a medical condition. It could be anything, just believe us when we say, you will get through this. You will get past this. Things will be better and you will feel better about life.

The darkest hour is just before the dawn.”

~ Thomas Fuller ~

Quite honestly, in order to move on in life, it is important that you get the closure that you deserve. If it was an end of a relationship, death of a loved one, forgiving yourself for living to your own or other people’s expectations and letting go of them, just know that it is okay to be sad. It is okay to grieve, and it is okay to cry. Cry as much as you want, as much as you need, lock yourself in a room and cry your heart out if that is the kind of closure you need.

But if you do that, always make a note to yourself that this is it. This is the last time you are locking yourself in a room and grieving over it. Not because you have to pretend that you are strong, but because you are stronger indeed, and have the capability of moving on in your life. When you come out of it, you will be prepared to move forward in life. You will do your best to remove the sad and unwanted thoughts and replace them with happy and hopeful ones. Once you realize that these thoughts are no who you are, that your mind is not who you are, it all becomes easier.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

One of the greatest reasons why people fail to understand their emotions is because they do not dedicate the time and attention to acknowledging them. It is okay to feel sad, it is okay to feel depressed, it is okay to cry. There’s nothing wrong with it. Give yourself time to digest your feelings and move forward. There are no shortcuts in life, you do not have a button that can make you switch your emotions off. You have to give yourself time and you HAVE to acknowledge your emotions and only then you will find the power within you to move forward in life.

This Will Pass

When it is too hard to accept the truth, when the reality seems haunting and the emotions are too much to handle, remind yourself that it will be okay and this time will pass too. This will not stay forever, you will feel better because that is how life is, it keeps on moving and does not stop for anything or anyone – for good and for bad. Instead of fighting it, accept the facts as they are, and stop resisting whatever it is that you are facing. Let time be on your side. So, remember, life is not as cruel as we might think it is. It works on its own course of actions, but there is always a way towards betterment.

Time Will Heal

When the emotions feel too intense, remember the old mantra “Time will heal all my wounds”. Because this is how time works, at one point we might feel as if time is not moving forward, as if we are stuck in one place, in one situation, and as if life will never get better. But if you will only let it, time will heal everything. The void you are feeling now, the emptiness, and the utter hopelessness, these will all be healed. Just give time some time. You will be okay; life will be better again.

What You Are Feeling Right Now Is Temporary

Remember how happy you felt that time when you won something? Achieved something? Made a friend or a family member happy? But, remember how that happiness did not last? Then why do you think this sadness is permanent? Why do you believe that this is it? Why do you feel like life will always be blue and gloomy when it is not always unicorns and rainbows? This is the beauty of life. It never stays the same. It wants us to move forward, with itself and with time. Life is not supposed to live in a way we think it is, it is supposed to be enjoyed. We are supposed to be peaceful about everything that we witness, whether it is sadness, happiness, success, or failure, to live harmoniously.

Life is a teacher; it teaches us everything and then makes us go through things we thought we can’t go on without. But look at us? Even after so many struggles, problems, heartaches, and disappointments, we are still here, alive, healthy, and moving on forward. So, believe us when we say, this is not the end. You and I, we all have to witness so much more, learn so much more, and become stronger with every passing time. Let that momentum carry you.

Here are a couple of things you can do to make yourself happy again, to make yourself believe that life gets better, and it will, once you start hoping again.

Have The Will And Faith To Cope With The Loss

Whatever it is, a mistake or a guilt that is eating you up, a loved one that left you, even as big as a death of someone you loved; you will be okay. You are capable of coping with anything and everything that life throws at you.

When you start believing in yourself, you start thinking that you have the ability to get better. If you will keep on having negative thoughts, you will ultimately feel bummed and demotivated. So, give yourself the pep talk that you need in order to feel even a little positive towards life. When you start believing that whatever life throws at you, whatever challenge you might see yourself in, you CAN cope up with it, you will see how amazing life will start feeling. You will feel empowered. You will think as if you can take on anything and everything that life has planned for you. This mindset will give you the push that you need to achieve anything and everything in life.

Know That It Is OK To Have A Bad Day

We cannot promise you that life will be perfect. We cannot promise you that it will not throw challenges at you, because it will. You will have bad days and you will feel low for at least part of the time. But have faith in the fact that having a bad day does not mean that it is the end of the world. Some people feel that since they have a positive mindset towards life then everything will fall into place and all will be good. It is good to have a positive mindset, but know that life can still be hard. Life was, is, and always will be full of ups and downs, happiness, and setbacks. Know that it is OKAY. Know that it is all temporary. Know that it is not the end of the world no matter how much it feels like one.

Keep reminding yourself that you will not win every match and every battle that life throws at you, you will experience failure and that is okay too. Because we all need to experience failure in order to learn from it and grow from it.

Remember that every situation that you face, you will learn something from it. There is always something you can gain from any situation, the key is to look at it in a different, more positive perspective, to even find see the magic of life within it. You are stronger than any setback that you face. Be proud of the person you are and the person you are becoming. It won’t be easy, but it is not impossible either. Keep fighting, keep moving forward and keep believing on the fact that life will get better, sooner or later, everything will make sense.

Keep going. Remember, sometimes a black hole may be a doorway into alternate realities.