Spiritual Treatment: What Is It?

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Mysterious hands asking for grace and care through spiritual treatment
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Did you know that spirituality and health are connected? The general meaning of spirituality can be defined as the belief in the existence of something outside the physical nature of what we can perceive in our senses and think in our minds. A higher dimension of reality and existence. Although spirituality and religion can be linked together, it is actually something that goes beyond religion. Spirituality is a broad concept as it takes into account various philosophies and theories. Thus, it cannot be restricted to religion only. But, is there such a thing as a spiritual treatment?

Even though a lot of people define spirituality as an effort to understand nature and God and what lies for us in it, it is also connected to our personality and sense of self, happiness, and wellbeing. Achieving inner satisfaction and happiness is one of the major concepts of spirituality and spiritual treatment plays a great role in helping us achieve it and improving our lives.

So, what exactly is spiritual treatment? How is it practiced? What are the examples of it? Is it similar to western medicines?

What Is Spiritual Treatment?

Though it focuses on a person’s beliefs and connection to God, spiritual treatment is not linked to any particular form of religion. Since spirituality is connected to all aspects of life, it is connected to our health and well-being as well. Thus, spiritual treatment is not related to faith healing and can even be practiced by those who do not have a firm belief as well. When the spirit that lies within you is not troubled and at ease, it will impact your physical wellness as well. Thus, spiritual treatment can be defined as a transformation journey that reflects in your body, mind, and heart for the well-being of our soul. Through spiritual treatment, we eliminate the toxins from our life that harm our soul and impact our well-being and peace of mind.

What Are The Types Of Spiritual Treatment?

Since spiritual treatment is not just about the healing of the body and mind, there are many types of spiritual treatments that we are unaware of. These treatments are necessary to ensure that our body, mind, and soul remain harmonious and healthy. This can only be achieved when our soul or spirit is healthy and satisfied. Thus, the general objective of all types of spiritual treatments goes back to one basic objective: the well-being of the soul.

Let us review some basic spiritual treatments below.

  • Physical Spiritual Treatment

Physical spiritual treatment refers to the healing of our body for the well-being of our soul. You can use physical spiritual healing for the treatment of many physical issues such as addiction. Since addiction is considered as the disease of the spirit, this can be cured with spiritual healing methods in the rehab. This is why a lot of rehab centers focus on spiritual treatment for this issue.

The practical part of this form of healing is that you are following the physical symptoms to detect the true source behind them, and to tackle it spiritually. This means that if for example you have a chronic ache in your back, and all your tests come back positive, you are trying to find what your spirit is trying to tell you – through the unexplained back pain.

A healer that is experienced with this form of healing will ask you a series of questions and analyze the feedback that you body transmits in correlation with what you are answering, tracking the origins of why your body is reacting the way it does, and what your spirit is actually saying.

  • Emotional Spiritual Treatment

Emotional trauma is a major issue faced by many people. Past regrets and traumas can eat our soul from the inside and make us feel empty. So, what can you do to cure it? You can now cure your emotional traumas and past regrets through emotional healing by following emotional spiritual treatment.

Same as the physical spiritual treatment, your emotions are a sign that your spirit is using in order to make you pay attention to something. Accessing the spiritual source of these emotional difficulties and pain is not easy or pleasant, but by approaching solving them from the spiritual root you are giving yourself a true chance for opening yourself into a new reality.

  • Mental Spiritual Treatment

Did you know that any mental illness can now be treated with spiritual treatment? Mental healing has proved to be much effective with the help of these spiritual treatments. Your mind is the root of your thoughts, and it can generate both negative and positive thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to keep your mind as healthy as possible to generate positive thoughts, that influence every aspect of your life.

But that’s not always easy, right? In fact, it is very hard for most people. But when you come to realize that your thoughts are not who you are, you can start practicing shutting your brain down, and connect to your spirit instead. A spirit that is not affected by anything, and can not be changed by anything. Your mind can hit waves, but at the end of the day, who you really is water, not waves.

  • Soul Spiritual Treatment

In this busy world, when people are going after materialistic things, they forget that they have a soul too that requires nourishment as well. Ever noticed when you achieve anything big, you sometimes don’t feel satisfied from the inside? It is because your soul is not satisfied or happy, you’re not in tune with what’s right for you.

Nothing from the outside can give you what you really need, like an abundance of love, everything that is important and necessary to you comes from the inside. And when nothing hurts you, neither physically, mentally, or emotionally, and you still feel that something’s not right, it’s time to connect to your soul.

There are many different techniques and paradigms that are meant to obtain this connection, but the thing that is mutual for all of them is that you have to be quiet, and listen to your intuition. If you have everything that you ever wanted outside that you thought would make you happy and things are still not right for you, it’s time to open yourself to trying to live differently, and connect to what your gut feeling and intuition are telling you to go for.

  • Holistic Spiritual Treatment

When talking about spiritual treatment, we generally refer to holistic treatment. This is the most basic form of spiritual treatment that is offered to people. It includes the healing of body, mind, emotions, and soul all through spiritual treatment. Many factors can harm our souls. These can even include physical, mental, and emotional traumas as well. Thus, holistic healing is a vast concept and includes various types of spiritual treatment and healing in it.

These treatments are usually a little easier to ‘digest’ than other spiritual treatments, since it is combining elements from more main stream traditional mental, physical, and emotional disciplines of medicine and healing; as this treatment is looking to improve one’s condition through an holistic observation on the person’s wellbeing.

Who Can Be Helped Through Spiritual Treatment?

Wondering if you should select the spiritual treatment for you or will it really help you? Not every treatment is effective for everyone, but it’s definitely worth trying. What do you have to lose? Whether you are going through energetic burdens such as anger or some sort of fear; or you are going through some long-term mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety; or physical conditions like arthritis, or even cancer, this low-energy can now be treated with the help spiritual healing.

Every person has a spiritual element in them, and the right connection to the therapeutic technique or paradigm delivered by the right therapist for you, can ignite a change within yourself that will be different than anything else that you’ve ever encountered. Again, you can at least try it, what do you have to lose?

What Are The Core Principles Of Spiritual Treatment?

When you are going through spiritual treatment, you will be asked to follow some core principles that are related to spirituality. Following these core principles are essential as they have been a major part of this world of spiritual treatment, and are key to success. Let’s take a look at them below.

  • Acceptance

The major principle that you should adopt while going through spiritual treatment is the acceptance and acknowledgment of the situation that you are currently in. Without acceptance, there is no improvement. So, no matter how painful the situation is, acceptance of your problems and who you are at this current moment are the first steps towards healing.

  • Open-Mindedness

The next major principle is to stay open-minded to the treatment and other situations that you are facing. Some of the things that you will go through may look weird or unexplained to you, and that’s normal as you’ve probably never witnessed something similar before. You need to be open to different situations and respect them, as you’ll never know where your solutions and improvements will come from. You might be surprised by what will eventually work for you.

  • Gratitude

Whether undergoing spiritual treatment or not, gratitude is what we all need in life. Being thankful for the life that you have no matter what hardships you are facing is what gratitude is all about. Having a positive attitude about life is the key factor for the nourishment of the soul, and is the key to success for any treatment – spiritual or traditional/mainstream.

  • Humility

Recognizing your strengths and weakness is what humility is all about. When you start being humble in life, you will accept that the assistance of others is important for your treatment and well-being. By not taking others for granted nor will you shy away from asking for their help, something that will significantly increase the chances of success of your treatment.

  • Patience

Spiritual treatment is not linear, you can work on something for an entire year and still wait, or it can happen to you very quickly in an unexpected manner. Therefore, in this case, patience is actually a blessing, it is all that you need. Don’t push yourself into tight time frames, just as everything in nature has its own pace, you too have your own pace.

  • Faith

When you are not really thinking that what you’re going through will help you, you’re not fully tuning into the process, you’re not all in there, and by that, you’re not letting it fully take action and manifest in your life.
You need to have faith in the whole treatment itself, you need to trust the treatment and the healing process. You should have complete faith that even if it might take a while, it is only for your betterment and will improve your life.

Comparison Of Spiritual Treatment To Western Medicine

The main difference between the two treatments lies in their approach. The basic duty of a western doctor includes diagnosing and treating the disease, of analyzing a linear set of cause and effect. Spiritual treatment is different than that. A spiritual health practitioner serves the duty of an educator and facilitator.

A western doctor is an expert sho should know most if not all, whereas a spiritual therapist is supposed to know everything, rather than focuses on providing the patient’s soul optimal conditions, allowing it to provide all the answers. According to them, the body and mind have their own healing capabilities and do not require the assistance of outside influences to help in the healing process.

For them, spiritual treatment is more about the change in lifestyle, that will enable your spiritual essence to fully express itself in your actions and feelings, through proper guidance and counseling. Thus, where a patient doesn’t know much about what’s going on with him in the western treatment, he is actively involved in his whole spiritual treatment process.

Spirituality is a vast concept which covers health as well. Spiritual treatment is important as it nurtures and heals the soul, and can give answers and wellbeing to many. Since it is not connected to any religion, this treatment can be adopted by anyone, and perhaps even ignite an awakening to a new awareness.